Have You Done Something Wonderful for Wildlife?

Throughout April we are asking you whether you have done something wonderful for wildlife which has made a difference. This could be planting some wildflowers in your garden which are now attracting lots of bumblebees, or putting up some bats boxes which now have a bat roost in them. If you think you have done something wonderful then we are asking you to tweet / post your photos to us on Twitter or Facebook, with a short explanation using the hashtag #loveourcreatures. We will then select our favourite three stories and write a blog about you at the beginning of May. The winning three entries will also win a Creature Candy mug, tea towel and notebook worth £32.00......

Wondrous Hibernating Bats

I love this time of year. The birds begin gathering the dead twigs and leaves from my garden, the blossom starts to form on the tree just outside my office window, and the buds on my daffodils look set to display their sunny yellow petals at any moment. I also love sunset at this time of the year, looking hopefully into the sky for signs of the first emerging bats of year....

Stunning Wildlife Images by Young Amateur Photographer

Our first blog features the wonderful Oliver Hellowell, a very talented wildlife and landscape photographer. Oliver is 18 years old and has Down Syndrome, however this doesn’t stop him striving to achieve his dream of becoming a professional photographer........